From the desk of..

From the desk of  Cap-Net UNDP Director

Colleagues, partners and friends it gives me great pleasure to be amongst you at this annual meeting with the theme “A new strategic phase for Cap-Net in 2014-2017: strengthening networks and fostering partnerships”.  This is in-line with our Water and Ocean Governance Programme and overarching UNDP strategy.

Last year Cap-Net recognised and celebrated its ten years of existence in delivering capacity for sustainable water management.  A lot has been achieved with significant positive impacts.  This year has been exceptionally busy for all of us in maintaining and up scaling our efforts in capacity development.  However the business is still not finished.  For me personally during the year, I have heard the words “capacity development” or “lack of capacity” being echoed in various meetings and foras, from Delft via Stockholm to Nairobi, from Brasilia to Budapest and now Bali.

This is testimony of the importance of the role that we have jointly set out to fulfil in the next four years.  The challenges remain the same in some contexts and geographical locations whilst in others new challenges have emerged.  Universal sustainable water management still remains elusive as we aim to redefine global goals targets and indicators.  Capacity development in sustainable water management still remains a key input for the realisation of these goals. We do realise that we require game changing innovation – both in thinking and application – monitoring, tracking and tracing of our efforts - at this meeting we have an opportunity to take the lead, inspire change and shape our strategy for 2014 and beyond for capacity delivery through “strengthening networks and fostering partnerships”.

Let me conclude by extending my deepest appreciation to our local host CKNet, managers and partners present here – thank you - , I am confident that we will benefit immensely from this meeting at the true island paradise of Bali we all dream off!

Themba Gumbo, Director
Cap-Net UNDP

From the desk of  CKNet Indonesia Network Manager

Dear Cap-Net Members, partners and friends,

On behalf of the Collaborative Knowledge Network – CKNet and its host IHE Indonesia, welcome to Bali, the Island of the Gods.  We are honored that Cap-Net trusts us to organize its annual Network Manager Meeting for this year.

Bali is the only place in Indonesia where you can find a mixed Indonesian-Hindu culture integrated in its community. It really shows the value of Indonesia expressed as “Unity in Diversity”. Everywhere you can see flowers being offered as part of the Hindu tradition in Bali. I believe that this environment, apart from being unique, creates an atmosphere where Cap-Net, also consisting of people with diverse culture, must feel itself at home.

The meeting this week has as theme “A new strategic phase for Cap-Net in 2014-2017: strengthening networks and fostering partnerships”.  It is an important milestone for Cap-Net, not only because of this strategic theme, but also because of the new UNDP strategy to address water and ocean governance. The challenge is how Cap-Net finds its role and place in the UNDP strategy, and how Cap-Net members and partners are ready for this challenge. “Strengthening networks and fostering partnerships” is no doubt the main strategy for the period 2014-2017, as specified in the theme.

The desired achievement of Cap-Net for 2017 is clear: “Water knowledge for all”. It should provide us, Cap-Net members and partners: The Cap-Net Community, purpose and direction at the present. A clear direction makes decision making much easier, because every decision can then be measured against the agreed direction. It should empower us to solve problems and accomplish strategic goals leading to the desired condition in 2017. These goals can only be achieved if the community agree to support it, and we must act together in concert to bring Cap-Net’s vision and mission to reality. Cap-Net’s strategy and related operational plan should provide enough precision so that each member of the Cap-Net community can find his or her significant and important place in Cap-Net’s vision and mission. Everyone must know how they want to contribute and participate at national, regional and/or global levels.
This will be an interesting week for us leading to an envisioned 2017.

I would like to express my greatest appreciation for my team members who are working since July highly motivated environment in an effort to create an enabling environment for a successful meeting. They came with ideas and suggestions and took initiatives to create this environment, which is almost entirely a result of their teamwork.
I wish every one a fine and fruitful week in Bali.

Jan T.L. Yap
CKNet Manager

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